Founded by Knights of Columbus St. John’s Council #1622, formerly known as Knights of Columbus Bishop McNamara Council #1622, in honor of the Knight’s founder to support scholarships for Roman Catholic education in Frederick County.
Father Michael J. McGivney was born on August 12, 1852 in Waterbury, Connecticut to Irish immigrant parents. He was raised in a poor family, where his mother gave birth to 13 children, and he was among the surviving six. From age 13 to 16 he worked in a brass factory making spoons to help the family survive. Young McGivney then followed his calling into the priesthood, studying at St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, Maryland. He was ordained in Baltimore’s Cathedral of the Assumption in December 1877, and returned to Connecticut to serve as a Catholic parish priest. His energy and intensity amazed many, and he was well loved. In 1882, Father McGivney founded The Knights of Columbus. Guided by such principles as unity, charity, fraternity, and patriotism, councils of the Knights of Columbus are dedicated to local volunteerism and charitable causes. Father McGivney’s 38 years of life were cut short in August 1890 due to pneumonia. His legacy remains forever as the founder of the Knights of Columbus. One local Knights of Columbus council, St. John’s Council #1622, formerly known as Knights of Columbus Bishop McNamara Council #1622, created The Knights of Columbus Father Michael J. McGivney Scholarship Fund in Father McGivney’s memory to award scholarships for Roman Catholic education in Frederick County.