Left to right: Ysela Bravo, Frederick County Community Liaison; County Executive Jessica Fitzwater; Anne Reaver, chair, Community Foundation Board of Trustees; and Community Foundation President and CEO Elizabeth Y. Day pose for a photo.
FREDERICK, MD – Nov. 10, 2023: This week marks Community Foundation Week during which community foundations across the country celebrate their presence and their impact. Frederick County Executive Jessica Fitzwater has proclaimed November 12-18 is Community Foundation Week in Frederick County.
There are more than 800 community foundations across the country. They are all independent organizations, and each is unique in how it operates and how it serves its local community. For more than three decades, The Community Foundation of Frederick County has worked with donors to translate their charitable intentions into powerful acts of philanthropy.
Founded in 1986 by dedicated citizens who understood the value of building endowments that would continue to improve Frederick County in perpetuity, The Community Foundation of Frederick County now holds almost 800 charitable funds. Since its creation, the organization has awarded $63 million in grants and $31 million in scholarships.
A portion of the county’s proclamation reads: One of the greatest ways to ensure a strong community, economic vitality, educational success, and effective community leadership is through the active presence of a community foundation that allows for local community-based endowment.
During Community Foundation Week, The Community Foundation of Frederick County will host its 37th Annual Report to the Community where close to 300 attendees will celebrate the organization’s accomplishments and honor four citizens for their outstanding community service efforts.
Community Foundation Week was created in 1989 by former president George H.W. Bush to recognize the work of community foundations throughout America and their collaborative approach to working with the public, private, and nonprofit sectors to address community problems.